Damp-Tech supplied and fitted all materials required to complete the required Roof Restoration Works and Chimney Repointing Works to the Front Elevation Roof Section.

For the front elevation roof:
• We stripped off all the roof area to the front elevation, including all old flashings, slate covering and lath.
• Cleaned out all the loft area
• Covered all the roof area using a breathable membrane & treated lath
• Covered all of the new roof area using the original slate & new copper fixings
• Supplied & fitted matching roof slate to 15% of the original total
• Renewed all main roof flashings & valleys using code 4 rolled lead sheeting
• Renewed all main roof chimney flashing & gutters as above
• Repointed all new flashings using a 5-1-1 Lime Mortar Mix
• Re-fitted original top ridge tiles using a 5-1-1 Lime Mortar Mix

Chimney Repointing
• The chimney area mortar courses were raked out to a depth of 12-15mm
• Repointed all of the chimney area using a 5-1-1 Lime Mortar Mix
• Repaired all de-faced stone banding using a composite stone mortar repair compound

At the end of the work we removed all the debris from the site